Enigma Code: the enigma code is created when the flashbacks are shown in different scenes, to separate out the flashbacks the use of dimming was used to create suspense, and an enigma code as to why the flashbacks must be shown.
Action Code: The action code is revealed when the conflict between the father and the boyfriend is shown, this creates a story line of the barrier in the relationship between them, and suggesting that it will have action in the film as the conflict is shown very vividly but immediately shown
Disequilibrium is shown by the father in this case as he doesn't want them two to be together and becomes a barrier in their relationship, in the trailer is shows that he wants to get rid of the boyfriend with whatever he can do as he threatens him this is shown by the low angle shots
New equilibrium is shows by the boyfriend who leaves behind everything to keep their relationship going in a good state, and acts very heroic in the trailer. He has lots of high key lighting on him to show hes heroic and making him look glamorous
Villain: the father
Princess: the girlfriend
Hero: the boyfriend
enigma codes in this trailer it allows the audience to know what is going on and many questions come to our head, as there's many use of different camera angles and shots, creating enigma codes, and also point of view shots allowing us to relate with the characters and know more about them by a glimpse of their shots and how they have been shot.
disequilibrium as the use of sound creates suspense in this trailer because its really suspicious and it builds tension for the audience and also the close up shots that allows us to see their facial expressions In more detail and helps us to relate with them.
The Villain: Seems to be the mystery
The Helper: The police as he is trying to solve the mystery.
The Hero: These are the four girls as they are the main protagonists trying to figure out what is going on.
Enigma codes are created in this promo as we see many different scenes and story lines from different settings which creates an enigma code to the audience its sort of all put into a montague engaging the audience I wanting to know about the interesting headlines and topics
Action code: there was a particular shot in the scenes of a gun fight the use of props enhances the action code
Equilibrium is shown as there are some story lines that don't involve much conflict such as the charity work
Disequilibrium is shown where the story lines that involve conflicts are shown such as the gun wars showing the negativity around the world
Hero - we could say that the hero is the reporter who is reporting all these headlines to us.