Introduction: - introduce industry (film) case studies, introduce all 3 texts being studied
- answer the question in one sentence
Section 1
- Ill manors - e media
- TAG LONDON - uses scenery, graffiti ect
- involvement of CELEBRITIES - Opinion leaders - TWO STEP FLOW THEORY
used social networking by maintaining their audiences
- Facebook
- released in June
- September = DVD was released
Section 2
-Ill manors broadcast
- Radio 1 or SBTV
- TV Chat shows
- Music fans - PLAN B - using the film music video for film - (MAINTAIN)
Section 4 - A Field in England
- LOW budget art house
- imaginative distribution
- ALL platforms on the same day
- NEVER been used before
Section 5 - The inbetweeners
-came out on RESULTS DAY - imaginative techniques
-RED CARPET - stars giving opinions about the movie and characters
-INTERVIEW - main character talking about the roles
-Newspaper - 'SCHOOLS OUCH'
-TRAILER only available on you tube
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