Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Learner Response


I  did make use of some key concepts such as Barthes theory such as the action and enigma codes that were used in the trailer and I also made reference to information given.


I didn't answer the question properly which could've been done by wording the question in my answer. I didn't mention channel 4's brand image which was the answer to the first question. I didn't manage to apply knowledge from other theories that could've been applied to most of the questions. Such as for representations I could've applied Perkins theory.about power shown by the athletes. For the first question it was necessary to apply knowledge and history about Channel 4. Question two would've reflected on how the athletes were portrayed for example key concepts such as superhuman's, heroic, strong and much more, Question two would also relate to what message the trailer is trying to send such as motivation, excitement, encouragement. Question three would all link to the narrative techniques used such as the voice over and how they were effective. Such as the montage shows excitement shown from the athletes. 

Mark - E


Learner Response


Revised key terms and applied it to my answers.


Redo Question 1

Mark - B+

The brand value of Channel E4 is entertainment, and the channel is mainly aimed at the lucrative 15–35 age group. E4's programmes focus of the drama genre but the more successful programmes seem to be of the comedy genre.The trailer for the Paralympics 2014 games promoted channel 4's high production brand image values in many ways. Channel 4 has been known for begin too reliant on TV shows so broadcasting the games allows their channel to appeal to a different audience (particularly the demographic groups a and b). The trailer has successfully embedded iconography in the trailer though the use of challenging misconceptions, high production values, shock values, exclusivity/ minority appeal, use of logo, aggressive attitude and huge association with youth culture. They oppose the misconceptions about disabled people and create an entirely new mindset towards them, thus showing viewers that Channel 4 is still capable of shocking audiences and standing out as a channel.

Additionally, Channel 4 is supporting the minority by promoting their image and making them look like super-humans. Another way the trailer promotes Channel 4's brand image is by displaying a team working environment. Throughout the trailer, there was the theme of togetherness and supporting one another.This gives a very friendly view and the fact that people with a disability was used shows that they are just as well as supportive. The trailer aids in displaying Channel 4's brand image as a high brow media because it looked realistic and there was a sense of determination giving Channel 4 a serious tone and not mediocre. The use of the logo and clearly printed British flag onto the contestants shirts gives the audience a clear identity to the brand, however this also depicts a sense of patriarch but is not so significant in this context due to the amount of positivity in the trailer.

The fact that the people in the trailer were not going to be passive and display there aggression though close ups and sutured events, portrays strength and passion therefore promoting Channel fours brand image in a immensely positive and appealing light. Finally the association with the youth culture shows that they are not biased and their ideologies are liberal and appealing to a large audience.

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